Translate   11 years ago

War hammer. Part 2. In resources that were worth good money. When I found a place I started to raid it half way through the progress the villagers challenged me to a battle 5 on 1 I won the battle. I finished the raid so I went back to the lizard man kingdom and sold everything this time for 482942 denars. I then became a vassal of the lizard men kingdom so I recruited some temple guards after that my army had 147 troops in it then I was granted a temple so I put my temple guards in it as they were most fitting to the fief my income had then increased form negative 1000 to an Income of 2796. And I had my troops find things to cover the temple so it would not be sieged by the goblins 10 days later the Garson was at a high 271. And my party at max 239 so i layer siege to I castle called skaven blight that was taken from the skaven. It had 158 in the troops in side so I attacked it it took in 1 day but it had been claimed for the lizard men the king had arrived and he gave it a garrison of 296. Then a report that a lord of the lizard men kingdom had been captured bye a goblin vassal so I ran to attack the vassal who had troops of up to 269 but he had some support form a new vassal with 286 but the lizard man king suported me and he had 597 troops so we out numbered them is amount and

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