Tormental "He watched me again today. He always watches me. His dark eyes leer at me from every eerie angle. He stares at the back of my legs from under my bed as I get off of it. His shadow glares at me from behind the curtain when I take a shower, he stands there scratching at my wall when I get dry. He looks at me when I watch the TV, his dead eyes, his evil stare... Enough to turn anyone to freeze with fear. I can feel his cold, devilish breath running around on the back of my neck. It's weird isn't it... Did you know that no word, object or action brings any emotion to a person. But the meaning behind them does and can create a catastrophe. A swear word does not have any explicit motive, but the meaning behind it does. A demographic slur does not have any hate within it but the meaning behind it hits you like a dumbbell to your skull. He means nothing to me I hate him, but the meaning behind him scares the hell out of me, he looks the way he looks because of his meaning. He speaks to me now too. Words of vile cruelty. 'Kill yourself.' 'Hang yourself' 'No one likes you.' 'Drag a rusty knife across your wrists.' I listen to these insults and noises of doom. And I hate myself. The words after a while become the best advice on ways I can end it. This is because of their meaning, Iit morphs, it changes

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