Vertalen   11 jaren geleden

"Iv'e got a surprise for you, girls," said mum, casually."We're moving." We all glared at her, gobsmacked. "Shut your mouth, Edelweiss." that's me. I bet your'e sniggering. Everyone does. Mum chose ridiculous names for my sisters, too. Vidia, Fawne , Riley, and plain old me. Riley stared at mum's bulging tummy. "Ewww, It's going to pop any minute now! One, two, three-" I could tell Fawne wanted to hit Riley, seeing as she loves mum dearly, but no one DARED hit Riley. Vidia is the oldest out of us emerald girls. She's seventeen, and goes to driving lessons. She's also quite sassy. Riley is fifteen, and certainly not girlie. All the boys in her class follow her, and if anyone's mean to me, Riley gives them her fist. I know you can't have favourites in your family, but if you could, I'd Choose Riley. Fawne is all pink and girlie, and is thirteen. She uses a hairbrush as a microphone, says she's a popstar, she even made an advert of herself: Fawne Emerald: The world's most

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