Tribute When you loose something, retrace your steps, carefully go backwards, moment by moment go to each place and think, ponder even and cast your eye without actually looking, I retraced my steps And I found hundreds of carrier bags filled with velvet scrunchies for wearing on my wrists, a pile of tie-dyed skirts and Bangles albums on vinyl, a room filled with laughter, bottles of white chestnut with half filled pipettes the sound of ‘now come on darling” and kindness, such kindness Teenage companionship, face packs and shopping in Camden market, not so long telephone calls and pierced noses, rare honesty and innocence practical jokes and sleepovers, friendship 25 passing autumns and springs each in their turn bringing new challenges and adventures, the salad bar at pizza hut, slurpees from 7 eleven and everything was ‘gorgeous darling’ just gorgeous. "lets have a look at you boy you've put on a bit of weight haven't you darling?” never a flicker and honest to a T So when mum called and we knew that we’d lost you we retraced our steps, And we found you in every memory. in every part of us that you influenced in every part of kindness that we pass to others in every honest deed and every dirty joke we tell and that is where we find you, not lost but very much in our hearts

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