übersetzen   11 Jahre

Weeio And Poopiette One day last week Sam.Potty went to the toilet. He didn't just we but he also had a poop. Sam forgot to flush. The wee became a man and the poo became a woman. They gave themselves names. The male wee became Weeio and the female became Poopiette. They fell madly in love. Poopiette portended to be flushed away. Weeio was so so so sad he stunk (cried). He wad finally flushed he thought he would be with his darling Poopiette but no he was wrong. Very wrong. She was hiding in the top of the toilet. She missed her dear Weeio so she waited until Mr and Mrs Potty came home so they could flush her mr and mrs potty had an argument over the poo in the toilet,"your flushing it Bottom!" "No your flushing it Boggotrus!" Mrs potty flushed it mrs potty and mrs potty had gross names but we're very concerned when it comes to hygiene. Poopiette was flushed and she re met her darling they has wee and poop children 4 in all. Poppypoo, Sharaskid, Dianarea, Poopscoop and one boy Weepson. The end

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