Tradurre   11 anni fa

Chapter 4 "What's this?" I asked curiously, although deep down I knew. "A tracker, It's Incase you... Drift off task." I couldn't believe what I was hearing! He was obviously prepared, but what if I could wedge it off? Or get a rock and break it? "Well, off you go then, FASTER!" The alien screamed in my face, I was terrified. I stumbled out of the cave and swam up. By the time I reached the surface, my arms and legs were in pain, the tracker was weighing me down and to make matters worst, I was in the middle of the sea. I gasped for breath as a wave collided with me and sent me under, a storm was brewing... Suddenly, there were voices. Quite near, though I couldn't see them. It was a particularly foggy day. Soon, a large boat came into view; it had red sides with the word 'anette' painted on in bold, white letters. The deck was a nice pale wood and on board were around 5 crew members, shouting at each other to get the work done faster. "What do we 'ave 'ere then, 'eh?" Exclaimed a sailor, dragging me out from the cold sea. I stared at him, my emerald eyes wide with fear. "You got a name, 'eh?" He asked "Yes" I shivered, "Amy"

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