übersetzen   11 Jahre

Chapter 3 Whimpering in pain, our gazes met. He held me tighter around the neck and pushed me up against the wall. "You've seen her, haven't you?" He breathed out. His breath smelt of gone of fish and kelp. All I could managed was a trembling "who?" But he laughed it back Into my face. "The unicorn" "Unicorns don't exist!" I stuttered. His nails pinched my neck, causing fresh blood to pour out. In it's deep red eyes I could see my reflection: blond, sandy hair (natural curly, beach curly). Shimmery emerald eyes with gigantic eyelashes and a slim, tanned, 15 year old figure. "I exist, isn't that enough proof for you?" Questioned the strange creature, forcefully. "I don't know who or what you are!" I replied confidently, although inside I felt like a pre-schooler again and ashamed at my actions. "I'm obviously an alien, doesn't anybody teach you anything these days? I have been here since ancient times, slumping around in this place you would call an 'undersea cave'! I live in the water, unlike my thousands of cousin that live in space... I have waited for the day when you would arrive! You are the only human who can see her, the unicorn. You have to kill her!" He looked quite impressed with his speech, so was I. But he wasn't good, the 'unicorn' I saw was peaceful and pure-hearted: she was good, no way was I going to kill her! "Do you agree? I shall let you go afterwards..." His intentions were pretty clear, the only way I was getting out of this dump was to kill a creature that represented love and purity. I nodded silently, thinking he would let me go and I could move forward with my #life, but no... He reached into a dirty, chained chest and inside lay a small tracker. He tugged at my foot and clamped the tracker shut. There was no way out of this...

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