Tradurre   11 anni fa

Chapter 2 Now the water, I had to find a way out of this water. But how? A strong currant was holding me in, battling against me and... Winning. I couldn't let that happen! I desperately spun around looking for something to hold on to, but to my dismay, there was only deep purple seaweed that shimmered at it sunk to the watery depths. Millions of tiny fish with orange scales and little white faces popped up and started swimming around me, gradually getting faster and faster. Suddenly I was bashed underwater, I battled for breath. Something was holding me down, leaving me splashing for my #life. What felt like hours was only minutes, but soon I was feeling dizzy. Giving one last push, I felt the water surface on my head, though I was only pulled back under. "Yo sakai, kalemañan. Olarneh vutegan." Murmured a voice, not far away. My eyes drifted open wearily, I was still underwater, still struggling. Now was the time to Panick, I was going to die, die with so many unanswered questions. What was the creature? Who is dragging me under? Why? My mouth flew open as I gasped, there was no air though. Slimy fingers touched the corners of my lips, but I was too tired to look. A small rectangular object was popped into my mouth; it was sweet and smooth. I noticed I had more energy and I was able to breath underwater. Wearily, I opened my eyes. In front of me was a massive creature. Walking on all fours and caked in a layer of thick, oozing goo. It stared at me, with eyes as black as coal and iris' red as blood. Sharp, mouldy-yellow nails stuck out from its rotten green hands and tickled my chin. blue drool escaped the corner of its mouth as it dug his nails in deeper making a long, red scar across my face. Then it glanced at my eyes... (I know it's not long, sorry I might post again later today)

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