Hogwarts TV *Disclaimer*Chloe gave me permission to write this infact she was the one who asked me to. So please no hate. Georgie: Hello, this is Georgia Gallagher but you can call me George or Georgie and welcome to our first episode of HogwartsTV! This is my cohost…who is my co- host? Pansy: Oh pick me, pick me! I want Drakie Poo to notice me! Georgie: Colin Creevy get up here, you are my new cohost! Colin: What do I do now? Georgie: You are going to help me in this episode where we will be playing Family Feud. Now here are our families! First the cold blooded and most hated family ever, the Malfoys. Next we have Harry Potter representing the whole Potter family. And our final family, the Weasleys. But before we start I need to call down someone really special. Georgie: *Picks up the phone* You guys can come down now. James and Lily: *Comes out of a dark corner* Georgie: Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Lily: Thank you for bringing us here Georgia. Georgie: Now go stand by Harry. Our first question is: what is the spell to disarm someone? Harry: *Hits the buzzer* Expelliarmus! Georgie: Correct! Ten points goes to the Potters! Next question, who discovered 'Murica? Sorry, I mean America. Ron: *Hits the buzzer* Columbus. Georgie: TEN POINTS TO THE WEASLEYS! Here is the next question: What do you get when you mix an infusion of wormwood with powdered root of asphodel? Narcissa: *Hits the buzzer* A strong sleeping potion otherwise known as The Draught of the Living Dead. Georgie: Ten points to the decent Malfoy. Next question: What is the name of the Greek god of traveling, messengers and thieves? Wait, WHO PUT THIS QUESTION HERE?!? DUMBLEDORE, I AM SO GONNA KILL YOU! Ron: *Nervously hits the buzzer* It's Hermes. Georgie: Commercial break! *Angrily stomps out* Colin: I am the co-host so I'm taking over. Here is the question: What is Minerva McGonnagal's animagus? James: *Hits buzzer* Minnie's is a cat. A wittle kitty cat! Colin: Correct. Ten points to the Potters. What is the chemical compisition of water? Draco: *Hits the buzzer* H2O. Georgie: Correct! Now that I yelled at Dumbledore, this is our final question for the night. Who is Victor Krum? Extra points if you get which school he goes to. Ron *Breaks the buzzer* He is the best seeker in the world for the Bulgarian Quidditch team and he goes to Durmstrang Institution. Georgie: The Weasleys win! The Potters and the Malfoys are tied for second place.
Lee mas..