Translate   10 years ago

Chapter 4 We get to the big building. Jason stares at me and I stare back. We enter and the first thing I hear is, hey stiff. It's a slang for the government career, because we are organized and do everything looking neat and...stiff. Jason says,"what's your name?". I answer with teagen. He smiles at me and says," you have an unique name. I can tell he is from the scientists by the way he talks but I like it. Our trainer leads us to a big room with lots of bunks and says sternly,"this is where you will sleep for the next 4 months while training!". He a assigns us bunks to sleep in by pairs, and because me and Jason are next to eachother, we sleep at the same bunk. I'm not exactly comfortable with sleeping in a room with the opposite gender in the room but I can live. "I call top bunk!", I say to Jason. He says,"you don't act very much like a stiff do you?" "No I guess I don't, now that I'm out of that career." He smiles. We both get different clothes. I wear grey because that is my career color. He wears blue because that is his. I get dressed I front of everyone and my legs show. And someone says,"nice legs stiff!" And everyone laughs.

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