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Ode To Opal Sweet Ma, Thank you for raising me And always trying your best Thank you for loving so deeply And puting #life to the test No one understood you Until it was too late And I'm sorry for that It was truly our mistake You were such a great woman Strong and smart Your legacy will live on In all of our hearts There's so much I needed to say to you Before I ran out of time But #life had other plans So I've written you this rhyme I know I never said these things much before And I truly regret it deep down in my core But I like to think you can hear me now So here it goes I'll speak up and loud; I love you so much And it will never end Thank you for all that you've done And all the years you spent I was your baby Like you reminded me on your dying bed I will be forever And I'll never forget those words you said I was never momma's or daddy's or sissie's or bubba's I was always yours And I know that for sure I'm so sorry it took me 16 years and your unfortunate death To really appreciate you And all the love in me that you left I wish I could hug you Just one last time And tell you that I love you I just wish I could rewind I hated to see you go More than anyone, I think I didn't really show it But my pain was filled up to the brink I had to be the rock Just like you taught me I held it in So no one would see But I wanted to cry Every minute of every day I was so torn up That you were being taken away I love you more than anything I miss you in every part of me Going on without you is so hard And very, very tiring But I just need you to know That you are so special to me And you really always will be I hope you're up in heaven Enjoying your painless #life I can't wait to see you again some day When I give up this fight But until that day I'll do my best I'll do it for you And give #life no rest Thank you for everything I'll love you forever You're always in my heart And I'll forget you never

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