Translate   11 years ago

A Hundred Eyes They stare at me as I make my way to my seat. A hundred eyes watching my every move. I sit down. Everything is silent. It finally begins. I'm the second most important here, but I'm getting the most attention. I wish the eyes would look away. I'm not sure why I'm here. "Surely 15 is too young?" I ask myself. My 9-year-old brother is sitting next to me. He's kicking his legs with not a care in the world. He wouldn't understand. A man makes his way to the podium in front of me. Dressed in a black suit, he begins to deliver a speech. My expression blank, I sit there staring into space. My mind is somewhere else. Until I hear a name. My name. This is when reality hit. It wasn't seeing him motionless, it wasn't kissing him goodbye, it wasn't the last "I love you." It was my name. Fighting against the tears, I grit my teeth and I sit there. The eyes look back at me once more. Only this time they're filled with sympathy and sorrow. I shut my eyes in an attempt to escape for a brief moment, but that doesn't stop the pain. I realise now that it's not saying goodbye that hurts, but it's realising that you'll never see them again. R.I.P Dad.

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