World Race His knees brushed the wet grass. He was beaten and bloody, a dying child. He was glad all his pain would stop soon. He could rest and forget, but a noise dragged him from the slowly creeping darkness. It hurt, worse then what he'd gone through before. Lazily he looked up, pain pulling at everything. An armoured man. Tall and strong. He didn't know why it hurt to listen to this mans heart beat but it did, he just wanted the darkness to take him. He no longer wanted to hear, breath or fight against something he could do little about, yet everyone seemed to pile it all on him. He wasn't that special. "Dying boy?" The words tore into his brain and he pushed onto shaking arms and pushed himself away, at least let him die in piece. He could ask for that at least, right? "Hmm? Boy...does it Hurt? ...!" He stepped forward and with each step it was like the world was shaking itself apart. He kept pushing himself back, forcing his body away. "Boy. Can you feel it? The cries of the earth? It's children's cries?...I didn't think another would be born...and to die so you want to live?". He stopped and considered the man and then said weakly "No. I'm too weak to live in this world. I don't really wanna protect everyone..." He nodded, "yes, that's the same words I said. But I'm still alive and strong enough to carry the pain, why can't you be?" His sight was going now and with a last smile he shrugged and whispered a word. "Exitus" Then it all went. The pain, the sight, that beautiful sky he had loved was sad. It didn't want to die. It wanted another chance, to produce, to live. And with his death it wouldn't get that chance. Sorry. But then the pain came back, the deafening, roaring of the pain. He wanted to scream but he couldn't. He'd call them with a shout and he didn't want that, to cry out was to kill it all, to endure was to survive. His sight came back next and then everything else. He took a sharp intake and shot up. The man wasn't wearing armour anymore, he was slender, hardly any muscles yet his body roared strength. "Your awake. Good. I want to know what you meant by 'exitus'" He kept quiet for a long time. He'd lived, he croaked out a reply "should of let me die, better for the It'll all end...sad..." "What do you mean? Why will it end?" "Exitus is a word for end. It was all going to end, my death would've slowed it it's a race"

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