Tradurre   11 anni fa

Tyga Love Story "Dad where's the popcorn?" I shouted as I turned on Netflix. "I'm doing it now Kel." He answered. Me and my dad are like best friend. We do everything together. When I was twelve my mom and dad had a divorce. I had a very important disition to make. I either stayed with my dad in the UK or moved to Ireland with my mom. At that time me and my mom weren't the best with eachother. We always argued and she would blame everything on me. So I picked to stay with my dad and I don't regret it. "Quick dad, the movie is starting!" I shouted again. "I'm coming." He shouted back. He walked into the living room with the popcorn and sat down on the couch. "Really? Parinormal Activity 4? It's not even scary." He stated. "You haven't even watched it." I chuckled. "Yeah I have." "Stop lieing." He laughed. "Alright, I haven't really, but I watched all the other ones and they ain't even scary." "Dad, just watch the movie." I said whilst grabbing the popcorn out his hand. 30 minutes later: "Fuck!" I shouted as I jumped. My dad just sat there laughing. "It's not funny." "It actually is." "Shut up." I punched him playfully. "What was that for!" "For laughing at me." He laughed. "Urgh, see." He laughed again. This time I ignored him and just caried on with watching the movie. 1 hour later: "That was rubbish." Dad stated. "Dad, you don't know shit." I laughed. "Yeah I do. I know shit comes out your ass." He laughed whilst getting up from the couch. "Oh my god dad." I got up. "Anyway I'm gonna get myself cleaned up and ready for bed, got work tomorrow." I sighed. "Ow yeah I almost forgot to tell you." He stopped and turned to face me. "I know how much you've always wanted to move to LA so, I sort of baughed you plane tickets to fly over there." I was so happy right now. I didn't know what to say. "Dad,I,I, thank you!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "It's okay." He hugged me back. "Will you be alright here?" I questioned. "Yeah, I will be fine! You're 19! You can't stay here all your #life. You need to live your dream." He answered. I felt my eyes tear up. "Thank you! I will miss you." "I will miss you too baby girl." I let go of our hug and started walking up the stairs. I couldn't believe I was moving to LA. When I got to my room I opened my wardrobe and started looking for some pijarmas. When I found some I layed them on my bed ready for when I got out the shower. I layed down some thongs and a pair of socks. Some body lotion and body spary. I walked into the bathroom that was connected with my room and turned on the shower. When I set it to the right heat I got in and started washing my body. Then went onto my hair. When I was done I hopped out and put a hot pink towel around my body. After I dried of I put on my body lotion, spray and my pijarmas. Then I blow dried my hair. When I finished all that I lyed down on my bed and went on my phone. I checked Facebook, instagram and all the other social networks. When I checked all of them, I put my phone on charge and fell asleep.

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