Translate   11 years ago

Dear diary Friday 21 st may Casey Greeks is the biggest bitch in the entire school, she decided to make to biggest mistake by ambrassing me in front of the whole school. We were in whole school assembly as it was Friday, I was excused as I needed the toilet and casey must have put a secrecy camera on me u can guess what happened next it was so smbrassing it came up on the main screen but I will get revenge !!!!! Dear diary Saturday 22nd may Went up town with my ace gang Melissa, Clara, gabby and sash we have been best friends since year 4 and never had one aguement, had 1000 sleepovers and over 2000 day trips, Melissa told us she had a new boyfriend we were all gobsmacked as we never had a boyfriend not even gabby and she is stunning but also very mad; gabby is quite round and plumbing but an awesome mate, Clara and sas are both quite mouthy but always have your back. Anyway Melissa's boyfriend is apparently 4 years old so iam guessing hes 17 as we are 13 but I don't know if she is telling the truth or not. Dear diary Sunday 23rd may Another boring day out with grandad pete and crazy auntie maize and I mean CRAZY! We went out for a evening meal ( roast dinner as perusal ) Grandad tells us the same story every week about how he saved a baby elephant ( which we all know is not true ) I have to find a way pit of this !!!!! Dear diary Monday 24th may today was awesome I total reuined casey £300 ted baker bag when she weren't looking I tipped a whole bottle of gabbys chocolate milkshake in her bag ; she went to pick up her phone and a puddle of chocolate milkshake soaked her hand she total freaked she screamed so hard even next door heard however we did get exclusion but it was worth it !!! Dear diary Tuesday 25th may Melissa and sash didn't come in today sash had fleas eww! Melissa was out with frank all day here boyfriend .

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