Translate   11 years ago

District Coference Yesterday we left home around 8:30 AM. Interstate 5 was congested over a few miles and we were slowed down somewhat. Fortunately we got to the conference several minutes before the sermon and was able to listen to the special praise sung by a young woman whose voice was so powerful and expressive. She sang "How Great Thou Art". We were able to participate in the offering as well. The sermon was given by the District Superintendent, Mr. Nguyen Huu Thach. It was very long. Today we could not get up on time because the alarm was set up too early by mistake. It woke us up and we could not go back to bed for a long time. We arrived at the conference in the middle of the Alliance president's sermon. He was very good with his message. I remember his story about a pilot who dropped nepalm bombs in Vietnam who finally could relate to the soldier who pierce Jesus' side. He knew he was forgiven.

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