Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Better To Burn Out There's a question in my soul: How did we kill Rock and Roll? Guitars still make their rusty sounds, In quiet clubs in little towns, But where's the soul, and where's the heart, The once set Rock and Roll apart? Where's the punk, and where's the prog? Has it vanished in the fog? No hair metal, no hard rock, Replaced by synths that sound so stock. No Kurt Cobain is on their way, To help buy Rock another day. We prefer focus groups and machines, To bring us music with a glossy sheen. Maybe it's to late to save Rock and Roll From an industry that sold its soul To sampling, boy bands and autotune. But if Rock must end, let's do it soon, With guns blazing, cause you know what they say: "It's better to burn out than to fade away."

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