Translate   11 years ago

Dim In Hug'um Bug'um Hillumscrot Sometimes I feel so happy I am just another person Another person there Singing to the wind.. Picture my hand next to yours with a window Between all our fingers, joined at the tips Our skin doesn't touch but it still feels intense She looks right at me And the black of the summer begins to come out of the windowsill And the frame falls off as the sky reaches down to me What am I bound to see if it all suddenly dropped Like a weight or a piano in the tv box.. We are washed up on the shore with our hands stuck.. A thousand mistakes more to fess And you think the tundra is the very best.. Even in the cold when your brain starts to mold There's no place like the first place... When your spine said to shush And when your bones said to shiver.. Use me cause I have extra warmth More than I had last winter.. Just let her sit there Watch her twirl her hair She is the prison where I found love and despair She is the gift who sent me off to paradise My own plane to restrain myself in.. You have beautifully sick eyes and I find love through them, oh my... And if we ever reach the sky Meet me somewhere out in the blue.. And I don't mind if I don't die So when we get there.. Don't think it's goodbye... It's only the one long gone who found peace Keep running.. until you've found me Keep running.. until you've found me Somewhere underneath the apple tree.. Why did we re correct the cy-cle Thinking that our minds won't Lose all of their pride once this is all over!.. But I hope.. That somewhere inside the sand.. All of the people know.. What comes at the end.. Have someone to depend on Because sometimes you don't And all you really need is a friend.. And cause the water feels deeper than most days You're still here... Thats something queer.. Yeah, we found you somewhere stuck in a crack Lonely as ever with eyes turning black You look different today... And I've seen you every day of my #life.. I've known you more every day of my #life..... But I had no idea until these past years That my face could look the same but so unfamiliar And still it's still And still everything is still.. And the beauty of the other mask Don't watch his eyes, don't even ask.. It would lacerate your psyche And I wouldn't help by the end of the summer... The fall doesn't actually come until the skies dark forever And all of the stars fall one by one, yet all at once.. The fall is not the end or desolate It's something we will all embrace The day we forget time and space... We woke up one day and the sky was black But it's okay..

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