A Beautiful Catastrophe She has these big beautiful compelling eyes And hair that cascades down her back In waterfall of curls Full soft lips A smile that always suggests something And a body that has fuck me Written all over it Playing with her is like playing with fire Dangerous and unpredictable Yet exhilarating and exciting She will pull you in close but keep you just far enough away You can drink her up with your eyes and fantasize But you can never touch You can draw your finger close to her flame feeling a warm tantalizing sensation spread over your skin But as soon as you get to close she will burn without remorse She runs with wolves in the night underneath a full#moon Howling her pleasure at the top of her lungs Wild and passionate She is someone you want to be with All bright and shiny like a new penny before the dirt of the world mucks it up She loves you raw and hates you intensely She is a sweet savage A true flower child and an anarchist all rolled into a bundle of emotions and mood swings more unpredictable than the waves on the ocean She will toss you from side to side and the next minute be completely calm She is the wind whipping through your hair pushing you forward Whispering secrets in your ear that you don't fully understand She is wild and temperamental She is a compassionate rebel Always wanting attention yet staying out of the spot light Living on the fringe of society she stands back and lets you come to her Letting you think it is your idea all along Letting you think you have a choice She will never pursue you but revels in the chase She is a clutter of contradictions And the most insane sane person you will ever meet And if you get the chance to call her friend even for the briefest of moments she will impact your #life forever even when she is long gone Her memory will encourage you to be brave daring and kind She is the queen that made you a night in shining armor She will make sure you hold your head up high when the worries of #life threaten to bring you down She is pain and pleasure She is a real dream that you never want to wake up from She is adventure And when she's gone you will never be able to look at #life the same way She will change you for better and for worse But she will never be regret and neither will you
Sienna Williamson
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