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Who Else Who else knows what it's like to crawl up into a corner To cry at night knowing that no one will come To wish to die for there is no we're else to go. But I tell you this we. You. Are wrong. You're best friend will not be able to cry from shock. She will blame herself for not seeing it soon. The people that bullied you will be thinking about what they said to you. The teachers will say that they pushed you too far. Your mum and dad will wish that you talked to them. And you. You will not grow up. You won't go to prom. You won't get married or have kids. You won't see your siblings grow. You will have nothing. I tell you this. People love you. You may not think so. But they are all around you. The people that bully you they can shove it up their ass. You are amazing. they call you braces, four eyes. But your faults make you who you are. Your mistakes make you find out the right road to take. Never give up. There is always someone that loves you no matter what you think. Don't give it up because someone is jealous of you take it your stride and whatever you do. Never. Give. Up

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