Traducciones   13 años

The Graveyard The remainding few had just left, following the grieving family back to their home. This left the boy by himself in the cemetary. He stared at the gravestones, tracing the writing on one whilst muttering to himself. A slight wind picked up, whispering through the trees and rushing through the flowers, but apart from this, all was peacefull. The boy stopped what he was doing, taking a minute to admire the beauty surrounding him. The colourfull flowers, bringing #life back in to the bleak place, the fresh untrampled grass, and the gravestones stood row upon row. He listend to the sounds around him, but he could hear nothing, just the solem silence of death itself. He then turned his attention back to the gravestone, and stood for a few more minutes, staring hard at the elegant script upon the grave. The boy gave a deep sigh, and not knowing what to do, just simply sat on the grass; nobody would be looking for him anytime soon, and this made him sad. He gave the grave one last look and closed his eyes in serenity. With a sad lonely smile, he faded away, into nothing. As always, a writer loves to know what their audience thinks. I wrote this a while back for part of my english project, but alas it never got used. Thanks for looking!-L

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