I Am death Death sat on a dumpster in an alley way watching a woman get robbed, and shot. He didn't get help, or help in any way. He just sat there watching the woman die. Don't hate him he can't do anything. Just as the woman died the man who shot her grabbed her purse, and threw the knife under the dumpster the one that Death was setting on. Death walked to the woman's #lifeless body that was laying on the pavement. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her soul out of her body. Some people think that souls are pale and colorless. Souls are not pale they look the same as they did before they die. "What happened?" The woman said. "You're dead." Death replied. That time the woman looked down at her body. "Is that me?" Death shook his head. Death told the woman what happened, and how to get to the after #life which is Heaven , or Hell. Some facts: about Death he knows who you are, he knows when it's your time, and one of my favorite facts is, he has no emotions. His face was blank as he was telling the woman what had happened to herself just as he told me how I died five years ago in a car wreck. At the end of the story she asked one last question the last question everyone asks Death "who are you?" His face still blank, and emotionless, "I am Death."

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