Pests Pests “Why, that’s a nice bounce house you got there.” A neighbor had announced. The said house fumed in response. “You see, this is no bounce house. It’s a simple bounce Not a house.” The owner stated proudly, hands on hips. “No no, you’re wrong my friend The colors tell a lie. The shape outlines a wall. The colors welcomingly shine.” “Quite wrong sir. This is no bounce house A simple bounce of pests. Annoying pests.” “Though, the colors… The colors do not suggest such a thing. Why they are playful and bright! Not something to kill pests!” The man laughed, “My dear friend. It’s simple fumigation. Pests cannot live in such.” “If it’s to kill pests You may want to think about Changing the colors. They are quite deceiving.” With words being said, The wind blew, clearing the opening. “Why, what’s that inside?” The neighbor inquired. “Hm?” Pulling the sheet aside the men gazed in. “The colors shouldn’t change at all.” The neighbor gave a questioning look. “But there are children inside.” “Like I said, getting rid of the pests.”

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