Traducciones   11 años

The Deadliest Game what do you want from me? I'm just a kid who got lost along the way I told you I always fuck things up I can never keep my feelings at bay I swear to god I tried to warn you as best as I could I told you I'm too much to handle but you completely misunderstood you thought you could save me and be a friend with a helping hand and I told you it's not worth it it wasn't a good idea to walk these lands but you insisted on being here despite that I am rotten I warned you about my shitty feelings and how they can't be forgotten and now I'm stuck here, loving you like crazy which is stupid because I'm a weed and you're a daisy I told you it'd end up like this I would be alone and hurt but you thought that you would stay and try to pick me up out of the dirt well that was foolish next time you should listen to what I'm saying don't go off your gut because now I'm falling apart and fraying it's all gone to shit I tried to warn you before and now you're looking at me disappointedly because I've fallen on the floor I don't know what you expected I told you I'm bad news but you chose not to listen so now you're gone, and I still somehow lose

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