übersetzen   11 Jahre

I sit on the bench, head in hands slouched over and exhausted with tears. How could I hold on to the most beautiful women in the world then leave her be? I think it was the correct move to take but I'm uncertain. I'm a beast for what I did, a bastard and I've realized these mistakes too late. I screamed at her and hit her hard but she managed to slap me with such force it caused me utter shock, then she said that she couldn't stand that I hated her heart but I admired her beauty, i was told I'm a monster. I soon understand who I am and am aware that I will never be looked at the same way again. #life is different now, it's time to move on with the guilt that roars inside me, and the pain that stabs me in the chest. I am a nightmare and you shall see me soon. I will meet u sometime darling. But for now i assure you the best of dreams.

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