Translate   11 years ago

Truth Ultra violet light burns your skin We know that to be true The man in the wizard of oz is made of tin The sky is blue We all know these to be true Now you want to know the truth about #depression? Well I'll tell you It's not an obsession But more of an addiction It's not fiction You see I have these thoughts that come repeatedly They nudge me They stab me They judge me They grab me I can't control them they just come Their called intrusive thoughts They tell me "your done" Now I've been taught To accept them But it's hard when a thought Pops into your head So scary you can't go to bed All I want to do is neglect them They tell me Stab yourself Kill me Cut yourself Hear me Kill yourself Kill me Over and over again Until my mind wants to explode And I want to do is give in To implode And listen to them But I can't let them Take over who I am So what's my plan? Help people Find a purpose Save people Destroy my surface Try to find myself today And wait for my #depression to go away

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