Translate   10 years ago

The Start Hello to whoever you are! I've always wanted a blog where I can type what I want in the hope of attracting people's attention. My #life isn't exactly exciting and there are many things I wish to change about myself, like we all do. So I'm 14 years young and an unrealistic dreamer, I'm slightly obsessive over makeup and Lana Del Rey. Both distract me of the haunting thoughts I have over failing school and how unacademic I am. Sad isn't it. I've always hated school and not because I get bullied, just the fact that I know I won't pass my exams and live the #life I dream of. Pretty depressing. I have the most amazing family that always support me, yet I know they wish I would be the first person in our family to actually have a successful career and have a lot of money. Do they not realise that that's what I want for me to? It's hard coping with #depression and having to turn up to a place I hate and be forced to study subjects I despise. Therefore, my lack of determination is not surprising. Anyway, I constantly ramble about this so I won't bore you any longer. Have a wonderful day! I will post later!

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