Translate   10 years ago

The Moment of Enlightenment Sitting in lotus, deep in meditation... Not that it would have mattered; thoughts were coalescing into the general confusion that we all experience but then something happened. I had asked the question, "Who is doing the observing when 'i' see or feel something?". My 'window' on the world closed, shut tight by a realization that the "I" that had come to be 'me' was a lie. Not a malicious fallacy that one is told but an untruth that is arrived at by mistaken assumption. Once that realization was had, it was as if I'd slipped into the movie "Contact" - the wormhole of realization came quickly and the bliss and somewhat scary simplicity of it made the experience memorable to be sure. Knowing this experience would change who I thought I was forever was not an immediate realization.... That said, the stark difference in what this felt like from anything else I'd experienced gave the indication that i was in for a shift in consciousness.

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