Translate   10 years ago

Untrusted: The Diary 2 Violet: I wake up in a dirty old basement filled with pictures of me and Emily. This basement looked familiar, it looked a lot like Gareth's basement. In fact it was Gareth's basement, he was sitting in the corner of the room, staring at me. "You're awake. Good." "What are you doing Gareth? We need to be looking for Emily, not tying each other up in our basements!" I started to feel weak, like someone was draining the #life out of me. I could hear a voice, it was Gareth's flashback. He walks into a cushiony room with Emily and a young girl sitting inside, staring at him. He walks towards the little girl who starts to cry, she looks scared to #life. Emily jumps in front of him and screams at him to leave the girl alone. He pushes her to the side, where she falls to sleep. He grabs the young girl by her hair and pulls our a knife. I stare at him in shock and horror. It was him, it was all him! "You and Emily are both Telepathic so you can read each other's minds and other's minds as well." "How did you know about me and Emily getting in contact?" He smiles wickedly. I scream and pull at my bounded hands and feet. How could he do this to anyone? "Let me go you psychopath! Where's Emily? Emily! Can you hear me? Where are you?" "Don't scream Violet, Emily's gone now which means we can finally be together." He smiles and walks towards me. I pull at my bounds and try to get away but I'm just not strong enough. I start to feel drawn to him, it's then I realise that he's controlling me. "Y-you're controlling me, aren't you? Why are you doing this!" "Violet, I'm not controlling you. It's this new design of spray I call 'Telepath attractor' What happens is they get the attraction to want you and then when they kiss you, all their powers drain into me. Great, right?" "You can't do this?" "I can and I will, I guess you should have never spoke to Emily. Maybe I wouldn't have found out." We walked closer and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. I started to feel attracted to him. He leans down to kiss me but the door swings open and Gareth comes down the stairs. What? "No! It's not me who did this Violet! He's copied my identity and now he's got you as well as Emily! Let her go or I'll kill you!" Other Gareth pounced on Gareth like a...shapeshifter? He's a shapeshifter, that explains it. They were in a ball, fighting, punching, rolling around, I couldn't tell who was who. Then Gareth snapped Gareth's neck and turned around to look at me. I pull at my bounds and try to get away. "Violet, calm down! It's me Gareth!" I look at him and sigh in relief. He inbounds me and grabs my hand as he pulls me upstairs. When we leave the house, he turns me around and looks me in the eye. "We need to find Emily!" I say quietly. "Yes, we do. Violet, before we do I just want to say that lately you've been really sweet and I've grown to like you." "I kind of like you to but can't because of Emily." He gasps and then kisses me, I start to feel light headed. My knees feel weak and my breathing starts to slow down. He pulls away, smirking. "Thanks for the power babe, really needed that. Now I have enough strength to kiss Emily and then she'll be just like you." "But I thought you were the real Gareth.." "I am, there was no clone me, it was illusion." He laughs, picks me up and takes me to his car. He drives to the river and stops. He opens his boot and pulls out some rope and a bag of bricks. "No please!" I say, too weak to do anything. "I'm sorry Violet but I have no use for you anymore." I start to hear whispers. They sound like Emily crying. "Why did you have to do this to a fourteen year old!" She cries. "Emily? Emily! Where are you?" I shout, holding my head. It hurt to think. "This is impossible! I took your powers!" "You took my powers to read people's minds but not to get in contact with Emily!" "Great! Now you can get in contact with her. Wait, let me read the guide." He pulls out a guide and starts to read, then he lifts his head and smiles deviously. "There's another way I can get rid of your power!" He smiles. "No!" I scream. I hear Emily scream it too. I start to feel Emily's powers too. She's angry. I turn and run, run towards Emily. She's leading me the way. I run into the forest, the only way Gareth will get through is if he runs. He can't drive his car, the path is too small. I run and run until my body stops in front of a tall, white building. In the middle of the woods? This must be it. I open the door and run inside the long corridor until I reach a metal door. I open it slowly and Emily runs towards me, crying and laughing at the same time. "I knew you could do it!" She whispers. "Not quite." Gareth laughs, pushing Violet inside with Emily and closing the door. "Crap!" Emily shouts, annoyed. "Gareth let us go!" I shout. "You can't do this! It's against human rights!" I shout again. "I don't care about human rights! You two aren't going!" Me and Emily stare at each other and sigh as we slide down the wall. What a great story for a Hero, get caught in the Villain's trap. Emily: It's been four days since he locked us up in here, he hasn't came to see us at all. Violet said outside the room looks like a hospital, maybe it is. He keeps sliding in sloppy porridge but we don't eat it. He said yesterday "Starve then you ungrateful cows! At least I'm feeding you!" And then violet shouted. "We're not ungrateful! We just don't like being thrown into a room against our own free will because you won't let us out!" And then there was no answer. We were starving but we knew that he has drugged the food to make us weak and his plan backfired. He still had a plan, that plan was to gas us out and that plan worked. We woke in a lab, filled with lab stuff. Violet pulled at her bounds and so did I but none of us were strong enough. He'd found a way to take our powers, this was bad. Gareth came through the door with a silver bag, he looked sinister. I shivered. So did Violet. "The only way to drain you of your powers is to kill one of you, then I kiss the other, then all your powers come flying to me. So, who should I kill and who should I kiss?" "Why don't you let us go?" Said violet. "No, it's okay. I think I'll kiss you because it'll be fun to see you suffer when your best friend dies and you get all her powers and then you pass them onto me when I kiss you and then you will be so weak and fragile that I can just kill you too." "No! Don't kill Emily! There's another way for me to gain all her powers and her to survive but forget everything. It's a spell but I can cast it. She'll forget everything, even me so she won't search for me." Violet whispers "No!" I scream. "Yes! Good thinking violet, that spell?" She whispered the spell to him as he shouted it aloud. He started to shriek and hold his head as his body melted into water. Violet turned to my crying face and smiled. I smiled back and the bounds magically came undone. We got into Gareth's car and tried to drive home but got lost. We got there in the end. Violet: When the police asked about Emily, she said that she wanted a break from everything and went to France for a few weeks but forgot all about home and stayed there longer. They believed us. Our #life was finally okay now, that was until we met Sasha, it all started a few days ago.

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