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Untrusted: The Diary February 27th 2003 Emily: "Do you have to blindfold me?" I say giggling. "Do you trust me Emily?" He says in his deep voice. "Of course I trust you, I love you." I say while he blindfolded me. He pushed me through a door and followed after me. I walked ahead feeling my surroundings. I hear his footsteps stop so I stop too. Then I black out. He'd hit me on the head and knocked me out. I woke up in a room with a door which looked like a magnet. It was a heavy metal and didn't have a handle. The room was filled with cushion, the roof, the walls, the floor, all cushion. I stand and run over to the door, banging on it. He comes through the door. "Why am I here?" I shout. He smiles wickedly and closes the door behind him. 27th June 2003 Violet: 'Dear Diary, My name is Violet and I'm fifteen years of age. This is my first ever diary but ever since my best friend Emily has gone missing, I've been having trouble coping so my mum bought me a diary and said it would help me. She's been missing for four months now and I've looked everywhere. Even her boyfriend Gareth hasn't seen her and they're always together. Strange really. He knocked at my house a few weeks ago and we went looking together. We've actually gotten a lot closer, we didn't used to talk much but now we do. I miss Emily so much but police officers are saying that she might be dead. I hope she isn't, I can hardly live without her missing, if she's dead then I'd probably die myself. She's the closest thing I've got to a sister and she means the world to me.' March 3rd 2003 Emily: I'm so cold. Yes this room is made of cushion but I am freezing. It's been a few weeks since I last saw Gareth. Why is he doing this to me? I miss my best friend. I miss my sister friend - Violet. She'd know what to do right now, I don't. I never know what to do. Gareth is probably brainwashing her right now or any other girl. I hear the door being unlocked and I run away from the door, scared that he'll do it again. Instead, a young girl is thrown in here, she is blindfolded and by the looks of it, he's done it to her too. She only looks fourteen! He's eighteen, he can't get away with this! I run up to her when the door is closed and I take the blindfold off her. She wraps her arms around me and starts to cry. She pulls away and looks at me. "He hurt you too." She says. I nod. "Where am I? I'm scared!" She says. I can see that she looks as though she's about to cry. "Don't cry, it's okay. I won't let him hurt you! He should get thrown into jail! I never knew he was like this." "You know him?" "Yeah, he was supposed to be my boyfriend." "I'm sorry." She says. She hugs me again. I'm happy that she's here, whoever she is. "What's your name?" I ask her sweetly. "M-my name is Emily." I stare at her in shock. This is probably just a coincidence. "What? Don't you like my name?" "I like it, my name is Emily too." She looks at me and then smiles. "Well I'm honoured to share my name with you." "Me too." I say giggling. I like Emily, she reminds me 3rd March 2003 Violet: I open up my new notebook and start to write on the clean white page. 'Dear Diary, Emily is still missing. I miss her so much. Gareth knocked at my house before and asked if I wanted to go to the cinema with him and I kindly accepted. Why is he so cheery? I don't understand how he can be so happy but I wish I knew. School has been so different without Emily and I miss her so much. It's like I can hear her in my head.' Wait, I can! She's talking to someone. She's okay, she's not dead. "Emily!" I shout. No answer. "Emily!" I repeat, still no answer. March 3rd 2003 Emily: "Emily!" I hear someone shout in my head. It sounds like Violet. "Violet?" "Emily! It's violet! Where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe?" "Violet! Thank god! I'm locked up! It was all-" I black out. He'd hit me on the head. He must have found out. 3rd March 2003 Violet: "It was all who?" No answer. "Emily? Emily! Please answer me! Emily!" I shout, crying. I fall to the floor, gripping my head. It feels like I've been whacked around the head. I fall to the floor and black out. What was going on and where was Emily? Was I really speaking to her or was it my imagination?

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