Once there was a beautiful queen she had no liking for poor farmers,just rich merchants and kings.This young reader is what the queen thinks.As you may be asking the queens name is Emeile.Well one day a handsome farmer came to Emelie's castle and asked for money.Well as a greedy queen at that time she said no.Then Emeile felt evil , she grew darker by day. Now the farmer Jonathan or Jon did really know the queen could be good.People always disagreed with him thou, they would say she's evil that's that. Well the farmer kept trying.Then he went back to the queen , Emeile's castle. Then he said your majesty I know you can be good.Then the queen saw something in Jon's eyes ,he was like a man, rich or not she loved this farmer she had these mixed feelings no one could explain, ever.The queen felt like she needed to tell Jon that she loved him.But she was a queen and she was important but she loved a poor farmer it sounded wrong.But she soon realized that she had to tell him.Now reader do you think she told the farmer That she loved him well she did,and they lived happily for many many years.

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