Translate   10 years ago

Speech On #life King They Come Speech on #life Americans, friends, family, and overseers. I am here today to spread my words on the sheet that we call our society, and earth. All over the world, we undergo war, denial, and threats. People are dying. Kid's parents are being killed. The struggle worsens when a child doesn't have his real parents everyday to congratulate him on his hard work. War kills. It diminishes the population, and diminishes happiness. War doesn't create us, we create war. Fighting makes enemies, enemies make threats, threats lead to attack and assault. Then, it leads to death. There's always another way to handle things. War may never end. It may never cease to destroy our minds by polluting our society and well being with thoughts of death and losing loved ones. Guns are used to defend, protect, and murder. A creation that has uplifted and has made the course of battle more gruesome than the early ages when all they had were bows, shields & weapons made of steel or iron. War doesn't just happen on just one battlefield, it occurs in multiple. Including schools, neighborhoods, and online. Bullying is the trigger that when pulled, enemies are introduced. #life cannot stay like this forever. It's time we make a change for the better. A time for Americans and civilians living in this world to settle their differences in a mature manner. A time for loved ones to come home, and a time for creation to prosper. I have concluded my line of speech, leaving a prime message for everyone to think about. Figure it out, and do it. If it's right, then it's definitely not wrong.

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