Traducciones   11 años

You Will Be Happy - Chapter 5 When Valerie and her Auntie walked into the room where the wedding was being held, they saw about 15 chairs lined up at the front of the little room, covered in a white sheet and tied off with a purple ribbon. Valerie took a deep breath and exhaled, looking around at the few people that were here. She heard her uncle Scott shouting her and Carol over. He was dressed up in a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt underneath. He looked really nice. They were shown to their seats as Scott made sure he was looking smart. Then, the wedding music started playing and everyone stood up and turned to face the doors at the back of the room, where Lacey was stood, a bridesmaid stood by both her sides. Her white dress topped with purple waves in the skirt, trailed behind her. She looked gorgeous! She walked to the front towards Scott, who was looking at her with a smile on his face and a tear in his eye. As she stopped next to him, he whispered to her, 'You look stunning baby!' Lacey blushed and kissed him on the cheek, and they turned to face the vicar. The vicar asked them a few question and then told them to face each other. They made their vows and a few tears were shed. When the long ceremony was over, Valerie and Carol went to congratulate the newly married couple. They also had to sign a few papers for proof that they were married. When they had signed the papers, Valerie ran for the toilets. She was bursting. When she got back, everyone was stood outside the room while it was cleared ready for the party, so Valerie had a good long catch up with the very few people that she knew.

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