The Youth Of Our Age Coarse hair pulled back in stringent lines. The man shows great care in the pain he inflicts, Yet she enjoys it all the while. The past wasn't all she hoped for it to be remembered as, Nostalgic waves of abuse, Physical and psychological, Never waver her mind. Whether or not she believes the man when he says that he loves her is debatable and unnecessary at that, Fore she does not even love herself enough to care either way. Scars. But the man continues on. In a flurry of sorts to finish before she comes to her senses or someone of more stable mind intervenes. And as much as you'd hope she was saved, She remains. Ten years later. Scars still show in actions and spread on skin. And the man; The man breaks more girls of the same caliber. Helpless and irrational. The youth of our age.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère