Translate   10 years ago

Minty Arnold Pineapple Sugar Minty wrapped her silky tail around Pineapple and Sugar, her only 2 kittens. Pineapple whined and tossed her head while Sugar buried into her Mother's body and hid. "Shush, Pineapple, please!" Minty mewed. Pineapple stopped and wobbled over to the door. "Pineapple!" Minty hissed, standing up and knocking Sugar over. Arnold peered through the window and tapped on it with his paw. Minty sighed and jumped onto the window sill. She climbed up the curtains and pushed the window open with her head. Arnold jumped in and smiled. "Arnold!" Pineapple squealed, running to him. "Do you want your food?" Minty fished behind the cat bed. "Yes please." Arnold grinned. Sugar licked her paws and stayed in the basket. Minty revealed some fish and a cat biscuit. "Here." Arnold clutched them in his jaw and jumped back through the window. "Bye!" He waved and jumped away. Minty grabbed Pineapple and joined Sugar in the cat bed.

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