Tradurre   11 anni fa

#poems I want to eat but the voices tell me no, My friends say you don't have to listen to them so, I refuse to eat to stop the gain, Of the weight, I don't want that pain, The pain of humiliation of being fat, I just can't have that, I may over exercise to get rid of it, Or make myself throw up all of it, I enjoy the taste but I'd rather be skinny and purging, Then be oversized and binging, I want to eat but the voices tell me no, I am going to do what I'm told so. You are alone scared and half dead, Feeling cold and shivering in bed, Wrists stained red, Stomach grumbling you need to be fed, You're hungry and starving, But you want to lose weight and stop the craving, Wishing you were dead with suicide on your mind, You're in the house but with no one inside, The voices are screaming, You wish you were dreaming, As your temptation for food, You get in a mood, Note written, Rope tied, Gun loaded, Suicide.

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