Translate   10 years ago

Time To Pray, Praying For Time Time to pray Praying for time The clocks have stopped And begun to unwind For what's the sense They seem to say When no one seems to mind No church can temple you From the vivid signs That have begun their tour All around every part of our world If you can't see that any God Would cry to see That man seems to believe We can survive without the trees Without the bees Without the love for all and everything That everything natural needs Every woman, every man was once a child that played and dreamed and cried And now how many of us are letting the dreams die? We fight, we make war, we chase, we want more Do we stop to ask who will really care about the score If no one and nothing is left If we pillage and plunder and rape and leave it all bereft Of the very beauty we love Of every beauty we love There can never be enough doves To create peace if we do not release Every single dove that lies within each of Us. ~t.m.u.~ Dedicated to the almost 300 stolen girls in Nigeria and all the stolen children, women and men and all the girls and women fighting oppresion and inequality all over the world. #BringBackOurGirls #nigeria #endviolence #equality #education #peace #love

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