Translate   10 years ago

The Missing Girl Hello this is 911 what is your emergency? I need help I am some where that I don't know where I am. Can you Tell us your name? Ashley Tanner. Tell us what kind of room, house, shed anything that can help us find you. Well I think it's a shed and there's no windows or a lot of air!!! I need help!!!! What happened before you were attacked. Help me HELP ME DON'T LET HIM TAKE ME HELP!!!! ( phone hanged up). Hello I need to report a missing girl her name is Ashley Tanner. She just called. Can I talk to her?! She is not there any more. No I want my little girl I..... ( crying) did she go missing right now? I don't know I can't remember a lot but I remember some things. Don't worry mam we well find you daughter. So what happened. Um I went to a party with Ashley I brought her to a dance party. And a guy my ex boyfriend came up and started mishandling my daughter. How and what was your boyfriend's name? He kissed her and promised he well never let her go she tried to get out of his arms but he was too strong. I moved him away from her and told him to stay away from her. Then he grabbed my daughter away and... His name is? Right um David Martin and kept on kissing her pushing her toward him. She finally got away after the 15th kiss. We left to my house and we went to bed. I heard Ashley scream she was tied up and a cloth in her mouth then he did something. I went and looked every where and didn't find her. ( crying loudly). Please tell me she is not dead!! No I don't think she is dead. But she might be really hurt. What do you want with me where am I?! Calm down baby your safe with me ( kissing her). No I want to know where I am and what you want from me!! Just a girl and a little kiss from you.( kissing her). You!!! No why I don't even know you ( stilling kissing). ( stops) your Mom threw me away so know I'm gonna make something with you. You are her daughter.( kissing her non stop) Ashley screams:No!!! So what do we know about Ashley? She is 16 and in high school. How about David? No wants his last name? Martin David Martin. He is 24 and not in school and blamed for police insult. Do we know where she is? Not yet we better find that retarded boy. So how are feeling baby horrible n kiss her) that's ok I well move you in a place where no one can find you not even the army men, navy, or any body can.. No we have so much time together ( tying her up and dragging her on her feet!!) come on baby no I don't want this let me go!! ( outside the house/shed) HELP ME!! Cover mouth carry her to hurricane storage a secret storage where only he can come in. Stay there sunflower cover up her mouth. Shut door and lock it. Walk down the street. Hey police but your hands up and don't move if you do boom your gone. Where's the girl don't know what your talking about I'm always at the coffee shop. On St. Avenue you can ask we well then. (Take him in cuffs). Hey they speak Spanish. Hace you semen tris mane? (Have you seen this man?) From ejerce avery day? ( From where every day?) round herrén with señorita? (Round here with girl?) no hace you semen tejía mane From te lástima 2 data ir Weens? (Have you seen this man the last 2 days or week?) yes he Esa testé edad And tris moruno about dome señorita. Eh y musa you know? (Yes he was her yesterday and today talking some girl. Why must you know?) A señorita is mis sing.( A girl is missing.)echar did señora Skay about señorita?(what did he say about girl?) blonda Jairo And bulle euros.( blonde hair and blue eyes). Thalía you. ( thank you). Where is the girl!!! Why would I tell you? So I'll tell you and her mom can see her and then I go to jail is that how it's gonna work blu? Because that I NOT gonna happen its NOT its not! That's not how I do things. Shut up and follow me to this shed oh no windows. Don't if you try to open she will die. I'm not kidding!! Do she is in there? Yes she will die if I don't do the pass code!!! Do it..,.NOW we have all day lets go!! No I won't I'll kill her then how's fault is that Blu? Let me guess....YOU I always win. This is what I do ( pointing gun at his face loaded!!!) How did you...yup that's what I do!!! Go in your car and don't tell any one about this or fat man is going fall over and will never get up!!! Come let's start walking that's it get.....put your hands on the air (loads gun) your surrounded!! Drop the weapon!! Fine bit you will never get her out of there (push button) what's the password? Brown sorry incorrect turning off oxygen. No sorry you can't ...( gun shot falls to the ground) hurry to the shed thing!!! What's the password to unlock this shed? You have 10 seconds to answer1...2...3...4...the password is??!!! (Flash back) if you kill her who's fault is that Blu?...Blu...Blu!!! Correct password!!! Help me please!! Don't worry your safe now. Thank you!!! Mom? Ashley? Mom!!! Sweetie I though you were gone forever!!! He's your ex boyfriend you I told you to stay AWAY!!!! I will.., f find y y you! Get moving mrs. All come on Blu. That's what it is Blue. You didn't want people to know that!! That's color she wore when she left me for some cheap dude!!!! She must explode......(Ashley's mom and house blow up) No Mom mom you can't leave me please!! She.. Just can't!!! I HATE YOU DAVID!!!(crying) no mom not you!! Not you!!! Ashley went to a foster home and David died stealing Ashley in a gun fight sadly she did too.. She didn't have anything only a adopted daughter!!

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