How I See You You don't even know me. I would be surprised if you did, honestly. You're a senior. You're literally 2 weeks from graduating. I'm a sophomore. Just a sophomore. We see each other a lot, I bet you didn't know. Walking down the hallway, stepping into each other's classrooms, small stuff. But I know, the first day I saw you, this is what I saw. I looked down your body, examining the treasure of it. Starting at the hair, how it was always perfectly strait, and it lay down your shoulders. Beautifully blonde and shiny, like the sun. Your face would glow in the night sky, your eyes, shimmering like a magical blue green sea. I looked deeper into them, trying to explore what would lie behind them. Your perfect smile made the corners of my mouth twitch upwards, it was so radiant like the harvest moon. The way you push your soft pale lips together. I want to feel them across my cheek. You blinded me with your beauty. I've thought of every scenario, every possible way I could come up with an excuse to talk to you. I always say to myself, "today's the day. I'll talk to her today." Then I see you. And you never fail to stun me. You don't know me. I doubt I even look familiar to you. But I see you. You're in my dreams, in my thoughts. You're in my prayers. I want to know what it would feel like to lay in bed with you, playing with my hair and whispering sweet nothings delicately into my ear. I like to think about you kissing me goodnight. And us standing outside, not saying anything, just standing there. Holding hands, with our eyes closed and our foreheads leaning against one another. But you don't know me.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère