A Confession I've hidden it all these years. I thought I could fool you all, I went to school, I didn't do great, But I thought I hid it well. As I walked down the halls, In my awkward manner I clumsily stampede from the classrooms. An annoying herd of noise wherever I go. I don't have the best manners, I'm sure you've noticed. I chew my food with my mouth hanging open, I'm sure it isn't pleasant to watch. And I don't keep my hair that tidy. My curls grow all over my body, I don't wash much, and I'm sure you've snickered at my new haircut. But I think I think it's edgy and cute. So what if it makes my head look huge, Even with my neck shaved bare. So after all we've been through, After all this time, I've found it's time to come clean, I am a Llama ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's supposed to be funny... #comedy

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