Translate   10 years ago

Smile And Laugh Smile and laugh and everything will be great You smile with friends who tell a funny joke Yet go home to find peace in alone He hides is fear with smiles and laughs While he slowly dies due to a simple Yet complex complication The doctor says with a long sorry smile You don't have long to live only tomorrow He goes to school and smiles with friends Them never knowing this is his last day to spend He smiles at his mom And laughs with his dad Both knowing that his time as reached the end But he smiles and laughs so of course everything will be okay As his young little sister cries over his grave His friends crowd around the small piece of rock That simply says "he smiled a lot" Smile and laugh and what could go wrong Says society in a sweet little song But real people know, it's never that simple We know that nothing is ever okay While death and despairs smiles at our ways

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