Weapon Of Choice I have a special pen that I use for writing. It's a big chunky metal pen with a nice comfy grip. I use refills from a range of pens call Frixon which means I can rub stuff out with no trouble at all. The problem is that I bought this pen ages ago and chucked it into a drawer when it ran out of ink. Then, years later I lost my current Frixon pen and was left with some refills and no pen to put them in. For some reason I remembered the special pen, dug it out and tried the refills in it and they fit like magic. Aces. Except that the lid had, at some indeterminate point, vanished. So the solution was to put the ink in the pen upside down. Only now, when I use the pen I have to unscrew the end, take out the refill, turn it round, put it back in and put the pen back together. But this feels good. This twenty seconds or so feels good, I feel like I'm getting ready, settling into the right state of mind. I feel like a sniper, putting his rifle together before he makes that big shot. That's why its my weapon of choice.

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