Pain I switch off my emotions like a light switch. I don't mean to but it happens. It's how I cope. Sometimes it's easier making myself laugh at the right points rather than feel the constant emotional, mental and physical pain that I find in my #life right now. I know things will get better, I'm not worried about that, but that comes with time. So right now I'm pretty numb. If I do capture a moment where I find myself feeling something emotional, it's short lived, but even the feeling of uncertainty, the kind where you're not sure if you have exactly what you've always wanted, or holding something that isn't yours, is a feeling and I keep it sacred for the few minutes it's there. Tattoos and piercings become good pains, they're sharp, they're real, they're a pain you want in order to get a result. People are ignorant to this. Instead they see it as a way of rebelling. When actually it's a way if healing, and coping. In the end, it's all going to work out, that's all I know right now.

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  • HaHa
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  • Angry