Traduire   11 années depuis

A Response To Emmahine's 'Define Rhyme' The sing-songy format of your meta commentary on art leaves me stuck in the mind of nursery rhymes, how can people hear couplets and not think mother goose? And underneath my slight offense (because I've never had more feelings torn from inside me with fierce grabbing claws than when I've read words that fall from the heart, rhyme and reason forgone for emotion) I'm awash with amusement that you dub a lack of form pretentious and lecture to me with your childlike chant claiming that we're all fools for not using your tools and following your rules And I will never cease to be amused by those who rail against pretension by claiming their superiority I am a firm believer in the fact that no one's choice of expression or interest ever makes them better I like pop music and classical, The Fault in Our Stars and The Picture of Dorian Grey, Mean Girls and Moulin Rouge Liking the bourgeois does not lower me as a person and so I shall never call an interest of mine a guilty pleasure nor swear it greater than any other Because in the end words are my #life blood, my breath of fresh air and I will not micromanage my breathing to suit your "intellectual" standards Author's Note: no offense was meant by this, they were just some thoughts I've had for awhile that your piece triggered #freeverse

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