24 Hrs Later... I kind of have to admit I'm sad as shit... I don't know if it's all the things that's going on in my head or if it's the fact that my girlfriend hasn't really apologized, she probably don't really understand how she hurt me because she never really stopped to think about it... I know that I am afraid to dare utter the words because all it will cause is more ruckus when all I'm really trying to do is keep the peace... All I'm really trying to do is be a woman and feel loved, beautiful and wanted... Now all I feel is invisible, but not so much invisible in which I'd rather be to where no one could see me nor hurt me any further... Because right now I feel broken and discarded, abused and neglected... Abandoned... But now we must go on as if none of this ever happened... Because 24 hours later is past due of mentioning... So I must heal on my own... I must assume that the words spat out by you were not meant to be utters... That the only true feeling behind those words were anger and they had no meaning, no truth... I have to smile and grin... And make believe this didn't happen just 24 hours ago... I am not sure if this even makes any sense or if my feelings are clear through these words but this is what came out when I tried to explain myself to myself...

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