♥️♠️Perfect Man♣️♦️ There is nobody perfect in this world There are fewer that can make perfect fits Don't try to change him all that much Just encourage the little perfect bits Not all of his jokes will be good or funny But laugh every time that he had a go If he can make you laugh and smile He's worth far more than you could know If he's a brave man he'll stand up for you In any battle you may choose to fight If he stands against you never in aggression You'd best know that he is Mr Right! A good man will tell you when you're wrong But he would never try to put you down A good man will tell you if you are sinking He's no swimmer but he wont let you drown If he can admit he is nothing but a human Who can admit to all his past mistakes There are no perfect people in this world Don't chase ideals that are all wasted fakes He's not going to think of you every moment Gives all he can but you should never expect He will never make every moment romantic Keep him if he's made some parts perfect He may do things to anger or annoy you It's in his nature to test your limits Shout at him and get it done and over He's the one you forgive in a few minuets You're worth it and you can make it work He's not perfect and never going to be But there's something about that man He's not quite perfect but he fits you perfectly

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