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June And Peach Part 1 That night Peach and I had slept in a chair outside my mom's hospital room. She was sick now. It seemed like she was immune, but sooner or later, I guess everyone gets it. First they have just a cough, then their lungs fill with blood and they begin to cough that up, finally and artery in the brain explodes and kills them immediately. I just want to be there when it happens, to tell her I love her. To tell her that I will be okay, that I have Peach to protect me. There are only four more doctors in the entire hospital, all of them are working on a cure, otherwise all they can do is let the sick patients die. Yesterday, three of them got a cough, they now believe the illness is passed through the air so they have given me a mask to wear. It is black and really bulky and heavy. It is a full face mask and even has goggles connected to it; like a gas mask in the movies we used to watch. That isn't the point, though. I fear that I will be the only one left. The three sick doctors work even more frantically now, they figured that the fourth has been exposed to much that it isn't even worth putting him in a mask. It has so far been proven that animals cannot get this sickness or whatever it is, so if I do survive, Peach will protect me. I woke up early and rushed into the patient room. A piece of clothe was pinned around my mother's neck, it was soaked in blood. I looked at the monitor next to the bed, still a steady (yet very slow and unhealthy) heart rate bounced up and down. I heard a cough and a sputter and looked back at my mom. She was awake now. I rushed to her side and took her slightly raised hand. Tears sprung to my eyes. A small smile crept on to her face, more coughing interrupted it but she forced it back to her mouth. "I love you, June. Don't you ever forget that, Sweety." The big wet drops of salted water began to rush to my cheeks. "No, I won't let you die! They're looking for a cure! For all we know they've found it! Momma please. I love you, don't go." Her clouded eyes seemed to sparkle for the last time. Her grip on my hand loosened and a long beep came from the monitor, she was dead. The crying became harder to keep back, so I stopped trying. I leant over her body and sobbed into the thin blankets. The door was burst open after about an hour or so later. The clocks had since stopped working with no one to set them. At the door was Dr. Matherson, she was weary looking and a small stain of blood on her shirt collar. I adjusted the mask back onto my face and looked up at her with my swollen and red eyes. "Yeah?" I asked, my voice still unsteady. She looked at the monitor With the single line running through the middle and hobbled over to me. She took me into her arms and rocked be back and forth until I had no more tears left to fall. "Did you need to tell me something?" I shakily asked. "Oh, June. Honey. I know this is terrible timing, but you need to know. Dr. Hamm is dead. He couldn't take it anymore and overdosed on anti-depressants this morning. You are the only one left-" she was abruptly interrupted by a vigorous spurt of coughing. "-the only one left that isn't sick. Sweety I am so sorry. So, so sor-" she stopped, her nose began to bleed, and she fell to the ground dead. I felt so alone. My lip trembled in the mask and Peach slowly awoke and walked to me. I didn't notice she was there until her warm, wet tongue slid over my hand. I forced a smile and pet her head. Having nothing else to do, I began to walk to the lab where, hopefully, Dr's. Holliday and Grimes were still alive. I pushed open the door to find the body of Dr. Holiday soaking in a pool of blood protruding from her nose, mouth, ears and eyes. I fought the motivation to cry and stepped over her #lifeless form. A few meters away was Dr. Grimes, clinging to the counter and to his very #life. "Dr. Grimes?" I asked, taking slow steps closer. He turned and smiled at me. A small stream of blood trickled out of his eye, but still somehow he forced a smile to his lips. "June!" He exclaimed, "come here my girl!" I came closer and he pulled a gun out of his coat. I immediately took a step back, frightened at what he might do. Peach seemed perfectly fine with him and even licked his cheek. If this obscure thing didn't bother her, why should it bother me? "I want you to learn how to use this," he beckoned me closer, "just in case some rabid animal or thing comes at you." "Okay." I said sheepishly. Dr. Grimes pressed a button and a bit of red paint appeared. "Alright, you see this? The red means the safety is off, when it isn't red you can't shoot, okay? Good." He pressed another button thing and a thing popped off the bottom. "This is called the clip, it is where the bullets are. If you run out just press that button and take it off, don't throw it away though because you can re-fill them. I will give you a backpack with a few extra clips and a box of bullets." Next he coughed and showed me how to cock the gun and to shoot it. "You might need some target practice to get the hang of it, but be careful. Bullets are used up quick in those situations. If you need more, go to armory, it should have guns in the window displays. Check some clips to see if they fit, if it does than your all set. Good luck Sweety." He handed me the backpack. I looked inside and saw two bananas, three apples, a couple cans of dog food, the water bottles, two clips, and a box of bullets just as promised. "Don't miss me to much." He smiled and fired a shot off into his brain. I screamed and tears ran down my face. Now I was officially alone, for however long that may be. I looked down at Peach. She whimpered and licked my hand. Here we would cry, here we would stay, until another day.

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