Diary~2~ School today was okay… My English teacher saw my diary in my bag and looked surprised. I guess she didn't think I would take her advice. I just got an Message. Hey Ness, you wanna go 2 Emily's 4 dinner 2nite? Sure Jake, I'll ask my parents though they probably already know. Lol. :P K Bye-bye Bye I turned the computer off and headed for the stairs. Emmett was sitting on the couch playing with the remote and watching TV. I swiftly grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels. He frowned. "Nessie…" he whined, "Give it baaack." I giggled. When I finally found a channel I wanted to watch, I sat on the remote. "Renesmee. That wasn't very nice." Carlisle scolded trying not to laugh at the fact that a vampire (that is 10 times stronger than a 10 year old half-human half-vampire) let that person do that to him. I looked up. "Sorry, grandpa." I gave the remote back to Emmett, and he laughed and pointed his finger at me. "You got in trouble! You got in trouble!" Emmett sang while the whole house laughed at his childishness. I stuck my tongue out at him. He's a baby. "Renesmee, that's not nice." My father cautioned. Sorry, dad. But, Emmett is probably wondering what I thought about him. "He is." Dad laughed. Emmett frowned again. "What did she say?" Mom asked. Dad whispered something in her ear. She giggled and looked over at Emmett who was asking Dad what I thought. He shook his head. "It better not be that bad!" He yelled over the laughing. By now, everybody (except for Emmett) already knew what I thought. "It's no big deal," I said as I was going upstairs. Jacob is here and judging by his curious look, he is probably going to take my diary and start reading it so I gotta go. Bye-bye. -Renesmee
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