Diary~1~ I'm going to be on all the time now ______xx_______ My English teacher suggested I should 'Let out my bottled up feelings by writing a Diary/Journal' (She's really creepy) But, I decided to take up her offer and write a diary. So anyway, my name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen and I am half-human half-vampire. I go to school at Forks High School with my Uncle Emmett, Aunt Rose, my boyfriend Jacob, Aunt Alice, Uncle Jasper, Mom, and Dad. I know what you're all thinking. But, it's not weird to go to school with your parents, aunts and uncles and your shape-shifter wolf. It makes your day more interesting. My parents and my aunts and uncles are all vampires. Also, my friend Jacob, can shape-shift into a werewolf. My father can read minds, my mother is sort of like a mental shield, my Uncle Jasper can feel and manipulate the emotions of the people around him, and finally, my aunt. My Aunt Alice is a crazy shopping fanatic who can see the future. Wow. My #life is awesome. I am a 10-year old who looks like a 17/18-year old and goes to high school with her family. "Nessie! I know what you wrote about me in that diary! That was rude!" Alice shouted. I laughed. "But it's true!" I yelled back, although she could hear me even if I was whispering. I ran downstairs and asked Alice if she wanted to pick out my outfit for school tomorrow because of what I wrote. "Ness," I heard a voice whisper. I opened my eyes to my mother, smiling down at me. I groaned. "Two more minutes," I mumbled, and put the pillow over my head. She laughed. "Up. Now." I heard my dad's voice this time. Fine, I thought. I got out of bed and they left. After they did so I got ready for school. Ugh. School. Wish me luck. -Renesmee

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