That Girl Listen up! Listen closely Have you ever been called A name your not? Been pushed to the side For who your not? Listen to the girl Who cries in the corners Who's whiles echo through the booming crowds A who lies about her cuts and scrapes That cover her wrist and shape her hips Blood that's spilled to grieve her pain From all the ones who've called her names Listen to the boy The one who never speaks The one that's skinny And never eats A boy that wears a label A label meant for shame The one that's left in locker A locker where he's safe Listen to me Listen to my story I was that girl Who sat In the corners My friend was that boy Who was left in the lockers I was THAT girl Who you called fat The one you laughed at I was that girl Who pushed away the cookies When they where past out to the class "You gonna eat that fatty?" Don't look at them Don't let them see you cry That's what I thought I was that girl Who sat In the lunch room While everyone chowed down With my bottle of zero calories Drinking just waiting to drown I was that girl Who's cycle got screwed Do you know what happens When you skip sixteen meals a week? For over a month? You lose what woman hate most That awful thing that comes once a month You learn to miss what you never loved Six months past of this routine Never eating #depression swept across my body An endless darkness cast over me I was that girl Who everyone noticed For her flaws For her mistakes For things she couldn't change My voice you say It annoys you Okay here's the needle Seal my lips completely shut! I was that girl Who changed over summer Who found her confidence And build up her walls I went from big boned to fit But in your words Your mind I went from fat to slut Why doesn't it ever end! Why can't we change for once And not get judged! Is everything based on appearances? I was that girl I was the girl who got bullied But now I'm THIS girl I'm the girl that stands up to the bullshit The words that should never be heard I push them away from those who can't I will never let them hear those words I am this girl Who will be heard Who will not back down Who's story will be told Who will stand up for all of those who have been THAT boy or THAT girl We will join together And stop that bully So dear bully I want you to know Your words do hurt And they've left there scars So for every word you spit Every curse that's left your lips Is a drop of blood in your ocean You stand at the bottom Ignorant letting it fill When will you realize your drowning For all those boys and girls who blood should be running through there veins is now dripping in your puddle of shame Your drowning In there sorrow But you won't realize it Because you've already drown In your own So dear bully I'm gay No no no not fully I'm bi But who are you to judge? When your own flaws and screaming at them selves When your own stupidity is spinning in circles searching for an answer But you don't have one So dear bully Pack up your stuff and leave For all of us Who have been that boy or that girl Don't want to hear it And I'm going to stop That bully Because I am THAT GIRL

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